Donations of cash, tools, and services pour in to aid in recovery of Habitat for Humanity’s stolen tools
The Grinch can’t stop the generosity of our community this holiday season. Following the announcement that $15,000 of tools and building supplies were stolen from Habitat for Humanity, donations of cash, tools, and services to repair damaged vehicles have been pouring in. A single anonymous donor provided $6,000 to kick-start our “The Grinch who Stole our Tools” fundraising campaign.
“The Christmas spirit is magical,” said Larry Peterson, Executive Director. “We are truly blessed for the generosity of our community to help us replace our stolen tools.”
Funds raised from the “A Grinch who Stole our Tools” fundraising campaign will be used to replace the stolen tools that are used for Neighborhood Revitalization (NR) projects in Woodland Heights, our partner neighborhood. NR works to improve an entire neighborhood by working hand-in-hand with residents to address the community’s goals of beatification, community, housing, health, and safety. Current NR projects are temporarily on hold as Habitat has to allocate resources to other ongoing projects.
The Grinch Who Stole Our Tools:
In order to replace our stolen tools, a fundraising campaign was established to purchase necessary tools. Grants and donations from area businesses will supplement private donations to purchase replacement tools. We have filed an insurance claim, but will incur a high deductible.
Donation Information:
- Monetary Donations: Give online to our “The Grinch who Stole our Tools” campaign at or at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore (2410 S. Scenic)
- Tool Donations: Please contact Brandi VanAntwerp, Development Director, for further details regarding tool donations. To maintain the quality of the home repair and home building program, HFHS reserves the right to only accept tool donations that maintain proper building standards. 417-829-4001 x 106,
Thank You, Springfield:
We are thankful to the entire community for the rapid response of donations of cash and tools. The teamwork and generosity is truly inspiring.