Coloring With Kindergartners:
As we continue to expand our Neighborhood Revitalization efforts in Woodland Heights, we’re developing new programs to bring awareness to Habitat’s mission. As a way to engage the youngest residents of Woodland Heights, we turned to Bowerman Elementary to help us complete a special project for our volunteers.
A Castle On Viola Street:
The Ms. Block’s kindergarten students read the book “A Castle on Viola Street“ by DyAnne DiSalvo to learn about Habitat for Humanity and volunteering. In the book, a family notices a group of volunteers joining together to repair homes in need on Viola Street. Everyone pitches in to help revitalize the street and new homeowners provide hours of sweat-equity to earn the keys to their home.
Our favorite quote from the book says, “Big dreams are built little by little, and we have made a start.”
After reading the book, the kindergartners learned about the importance volunteering. We talked about helping your teacher put away books after story time, how you can help keep your room clean at home, and how when you help others, it’s called volunteering.
As a way to support thank Habitat’s volunteers, the kindergarten students colored homes for volunteers.
We are very thankful to Ms. Block’s kindergarten class at Bowerman Elementary for reading with us and coloring for our volunteers. We look forward to working with the students on many more Neighborhood Revitalization projects in Woodland Heights.