Summertime and the livin’ is easy. Well, maybe at your house but at Habitat for Humanity here in Springfield the livin’ is ‘busy!’ Right now we have a number of home rehab projects in the works for the Partner Homebuyers who are working on earning the right to BUY THEIR HOME (remember Habitat for Humanity does NOT give away homes!). We are ALWAYS looking for more qualified Partner Homebuyers to apply for our program. I like to call that a chance to have a chance. Our new Faith Coalition is really taking off with more and more area churches and faith leaders coming on board to chip in and have some fun helping Habitat grow strength, stability and security in our community. Pretty neat.
We are also working diligently with Woodland Heights, our very cool and engaged Neighborhood Revitalization partner, and looking forward to our FIRST ANNUAL RALLY IN THE ALLEY project on July 16 from 9-noon. We’ll be working with some incredible neighbors and friends to make a difference in Woodland Heights. Interested in joining in the fun, contact Melissa There will be a fun ‘after party’ for the volunteers and residents, too.
Finally, it’s that time of year when we make some changes to our super Board of Directors. We want to do a big Old Habitat Shout Out to some awesome people who have really helped Habitat for Humanity make a difference in Springfield. As they roll off let’s give a round of applause to Ann Littell Mills of the Courtney/Mills Law Firm; Irick Thurman of KPM and Rick Windes of the new Bear State Bank. These terrific folks have offered their energy, skills, talents and support for the last six years to elevate the Habitat mission in Springfield. Thanks to all!
If you would like to join in the fun and satisfaction of helping Habitat provide safe, affordable housing in our community, just go to find out how.
Thanks and stay cool!
Larry Peterson
Executive Director