Construction begins on Habitat for Humanity’s first home in Woodland Heights: the organization’s in Neighborhood Revitalization
Habitat for Humanity of Springfield, MO (HFHS) begins construction on its first home in Woodland Heights, the organization’s partner for its Neighborhood Revitalization (NR) program. A construction kickoff celebration will be held Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. at 2303 N. Main Ave., Springfield, MO 65803.
Neighborhood Revitalization is Habitat’s newest program focused on improving the quality of life in Woodland Heights, an area of Springfield’s Zone 1. HFHS is working with residents, community partners, businesses, churches and more to help Woodland Heights transform in the key areas of beautification, community, housing, health and safety.
“This new home marks a significant step forward in our Neighborhood Revitalization program,” said Larry Peterson, executive director of HFHS. “Providing affordable housing opportunities in Woodland Heights will transform the community, making it a great place to live.”
While new home construction and home repairs remain at the core of what Habitat does, they cannot transform neighborhoods through construction alone. Through NR, Habitat can make a greater impact within a neighborhood and meet resident goals and aspirations, ultimately improving the quality of life, not only for residents of these neighborhoods, but for the city as a whole.
The build is supported by 2018 Tool Belts & Bow Ties gala, monthly HopeBuilder Club donors, Bank of America, Kum & Go, Visioncon, and Chase. When construction is complete, the home will be purchased with a 20-year, 0% interest mortgage.